Friday June 24th. Back by popular demand, the Pizza Project will be serving authentic wood fired pizzas from 6pm. We hope everyone can come to the club and enjoy a lovely summer evening of food and drinks.

The Hall is the beating heart of the community. It is the local meeting place for organisations and classes, community and family events – weddings, parties, meetings, quizzes, the Summer and Christmas fairs and the ever popular Parish Players Pantomime. Generations of families have been coming to the Hall over the past sixty years making it part of their own history but our 1960’s Parish Hall is feeling it’s age! It is cold and drafty and because we need to become more energy efficient and reduce our carbon footprint, we are going to replace the ceiling, all the windows and wiring.
Good News: only £5000 to go In November, we launched an appeal with a target of £81,000. Thanks to amazing generosity of local people, we have raised £76,000.
After a long break we are back with one of the most popular events at The Ruts! Top wine expert Jim Eustace will again be bringing some absolute bangers from his cellars for you to try accompanied by the usual groaning tables of fabulous cheeses and charcuterie….all this for just £20 a head!!! Book early tickets always go fast….
Please contact Mike Stallard on to book your place.