Televised sporting events at Old Ruts 2023

We’ll be screening all the Ashes and England T20 & ODI matches, plus, of course, every game in the Rugby World Cup. See below for dates and times.


6-10, 19-23 & 27-31 July – England vs Australia 11:00

30 August and 1 & 5 September – England vs New Zealand (T20) 18.00

3 September – England vs New Zealand (T20) 14:30

8, 13 & 15 September – England vs New Zealand (ODI) 12:30

10 September – England vs New Zealand (ODI) 11:00


8 September – France vs New Zealand 20:00

9 September – Italy vs Namibia 12:00

                  – Ireland vs Romania 14:30

                   – Australia vs Georgia 17:00

                   – England vs Argentina 20:00

10 September – Japan vs Chile 12:00

– South Africa vs Scotland 16:45

                   – Wales vs Fiji 20:00

14 September – France vs Uruguay 20:00

15 September – New Zealand vs Namibia 20:00

16 September – Samoa vs Chile 14:00

– Wales vs Portugal 16:45

– Ireland vs Tonga 20:00

17 September – South Africa vs Romania 14:00

                   – Australia vs Fiji 16:45

                   – England Vs Japan 20:00

20 September – Italy vs Uruguay 16:45

21 September – France vs Namibia 20:00

22 September – Argentina vs Samoa 16:45

23 September – Georgia vs Portugal 13:00

                   – England vs Chile 16:45

                  – South Africa vs Ireland 20:00

24 September – Scotland vs Tonga 16:45

                  – Wales vs Australia 20:00

27 September – Uruguay vs Namibia 16:45

28 September – Japan vs Samoa 20:00

29 September – New Zealand vs Italy 20:00

30 September – Argentina vs Chile 14:00

                 – Fiji vs Georgia 16:45

                  – Scotland vs Romania 20:00

New ORA Trustee Board members required

The ORA Trustee Board is seeking to add new trustees to the team who run the charity. These voluntary roles are crucial to helping us move forward our goals of seeking to grow participation in sport while being a valued community for our members and wider Merton Park neighbours.  Each trustee would actively be involved in one or more areas of our strategy, working to drive initiatives forward that will make a real impact.

Who do we need?

Enthusiastic individuals who offer new skills and experience which will add to the existing team members on the board that runs the Old Rutlishians’ Association. We need candidates who are passionate and care about what Old Ruts seeks to provide to its members and who want to make initiative happen.

What skills and experience are needed?

We are looking for a range of skills, including experience in:

* hospitality and catering
* building and property management
* marketing & communication
* fund-raising
* charity compliance, finance & governance
* board level executive leadership experience
* grounds management

This list is not exhaustive – what’s important is having a can-do attitude and getting resourceful people on board who are willing to roll up their sleeves and get stuck into whatever needs doing.

What next?

Candidates should submit a CV (including details of key achievements and responsibilities) along with a covering letter which addresses the competencies outlined in the role description and person specification.

Please send all applications to: and

What else?

If you don’t feel you can commit to becoming a trustee, but still want to help the club, do
please get in touch. This is a volunteer-run club and there’s always so much work to be done
and only so many people doing it, so new volunteers are always welcomed with open arms to join one of our committees, lend your expertise to a particular sporting section, or just help out on an ad-hoc basis.

Whatever your skills – admin, finance, social media, IT, maintenance, electrics, plumbing, building, general handywork, Charity Commission experience, coaching helpers – please step up and help us improve our Club.

The closing date for applications is Tuesday, 30 May 2022.

The ORA recognises the value of diversity in all its forms at all levels of the organisation, including at Board level. We celebrate its role in the creation of an inclusive workplace culture and thrive on the range of experience and insight diversity brings to our organisation.

Car park resurfacing

Please note that the planned resurfacing of the ORA carpark has been postponed.

We now need the car park completely cleared from 7-13 May 2023. No parking will be available on site between these dates.

Thank you for your co-operation.

The ORA Trustees.