18 March – Old Ruts Rugby Day with London French in Le Crunch (from 12:00)


Tuesdays – Old Ruts running club (6.30 from Poplar Road)

Saturdays – Ruts Super Saturdays – football for kids of all abilities (9:30-11:00).
Contact arowlands-rickelsford@futsalelite.co.uk for a FREE trial.

        β€“ Senior football matches (KO from 12:00-15:00)

                 β€“ Men’s rugby matches (from 14:00)

Sundays   β€“ Junior football matches (KO from 10:00)

– Kids First (u4/11s) training and matches (from 9:00-12:00)

– Rugby Juniors (u12/16s) matches (from 11:00-13:00)

        – Rugby Colts (u17/18s) matches (from 12:00)

                β€“ Women’s rugby matches (from 14:00)


🏈🏈🏈🏈 Weekly Rugby Training 🏈🏈🏈🏈

Contact paulcecil@blueyonder.co.uk to sign up or for more info

Mondays – Men’s training (19:00-21:00)

      β€“ Colts (u17/18s) training (19:00-21:00)

      β€“ Women’s training (19:00-21:00)

Wednesdays – Girls (u12/18s) training (18:00-19:00)

 β€“ Juniors (u12/16s) training (18:00-19:30)

 β€“ Colts (u17/18s) training (19:30-21:00)

 β€“ Men’s training (19:00-21:00)

 β€“ Women’s training (19:00-21:00)


🏏🏏🏏🏏 Cricket Winter Nets🏏🏏🏏🏏

Contact caroline@oldrutscricket.co.uk to sign up or for more info

Tues cricket training – U8-U10 softball (17:00-18:00)

                                       – U12-U14 (18:00-19:30)

                                       – Women’s (19:30-21:00)

Weds cricket training – U9-U12 Academy (18:00-19:30)

                                    – Girls’ U12+ (19:30-21:00)

Thurs cricket training – U10/ U11/ U12 (18:00-19:30)

     – U13+ (19:30-21:00)

Friday cricket training – U8-U10 softball (17:00-18:00)

      – U10/ U11/ U12 (18:00-19:30)

      – U13+ Academy (19:30-21:00)

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