This article explains Proxy Voting, answers some common questions and provides more detailed profiles of the Trustees.
Proxy voting
Every member is being asked to vote by completing a proxy form this year. This is so that we can hold the AGM effectively via audio/video conference and members can nominate a representative to attend. We are encouraging members to get together and share a proxy or choose a trustee to act as their proxy, this will make the audio/video conference run more smoothly. Trustees that have already agreed to be proxies are included in the form so you can just select their name without having to contact them.
The Proxy Voting system allows members to instruct a Proxy on how to vote or allow them to vote freely. The form can be found here
This is what you are being asked to vote on:
Change to the rules – specifically that the President is appointed by the Board of Trustees and that his role, being honorary, has no entitlements or rights. This change has been requested by the majority of the Trustees and aligns the rules with the constitution which has already been approved.
Appointment of Trustees – please review their personal profiles below or view a summary in the CIO Agenda
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions that have been answered to help you:
On behalf of all members of the Club, trustees provide the management, support and oversight in their specific area of expertise or volunteering. They are there to ensure the Club, as a whole, is run and managed effectively, in line with its objects as a Charity and legal responsibilities and that decisions are taken in the best interests of all its members.
No, but….. This is your Club. It is a huge asset for the Community and is run by volunteers for its members. Just by voting you are in the very least showing you are grateful for their efforts and care about what happens in the future. If there are things you’re not happy about then please let us know but don’t ignore the opportunity to engage by not voting. You can also table questions which we will try to answer in advance where possible. Please vote.
If you don’t know the trustees that are up for election/re-election then have a look at their detailed profiles above or review a summary on the CIO Agenda. Trustees are not in competition with each other so you should vote based upon whether you think the person up for election has the right skills and qualities and you believe they can perform the role of a trustee in a way you would want.
1. Your proxy, so they can ensure your intentions are accurately reflected in the meeting.
2. Jason Besant – Jason manages all our data, gathers all the electronic returns, deals with comms on the process and prepares a summary for the Chair.
3. Sandy Pfeifer – Sandy gathers all the paper returns, is answering questions from members proxy forms in advance of the AGM, leads us in the conversion to the charity and ensures we are following our constitution and the required governance.
They are all expected, that wherever possible and practical, to keep individuals decisions confidential.
Our Constitution, which is the document that details how we have decided to be governed, states that we will use a ‘simple majority’ method. This is a legal term which means we simply count the Yes’s and the No’s and the majority of votes cast wins.
An abstention, which is also a choice when voting, is a way of saying you ‘Don’t know’ or are ‘unsure’ or feel unable to vote one way or another. It is perfectly acceptable to vote in this way and you can do so point-by-point, but you should know that an abstained vote will not influence a decision. It will be noted only for the records.
Not exactly but close! It may seem that way but to ensure a suitable level of governance a proxy is a person who must attend the AGM and have visibility of how you voted and that your vote is expressed correctly at the AGM. They are expected to be discrete and not share the details of what individual members expressed. Proper online voting would require a much higher degree of scrutiny and overhead which would either be more costly or require more effort from volunteers.
Yes. You can either allow your proxy to vote how they wish or you can instruct them point by point on how to vote.
A number of existing trustees have offered to be proxies for anyone, so you can nominate them in the form.
We want and need as many people as possible involved in volunteering for the Club. During the past 9 months, the existing Trustees have reached out within their networks in the club to find Trustees who have specific skills required, where there are currently gaps. These are in areas of Health & Safety, Groundskeeping, Finance, Legal Affairs, Fundraising and Project Management. Following discussions with a number of members, the existing Trustees are making proposals based on the existing gaps in skills and experience. This process will be enhanced next year to more formally invite expressions of interest from members who have relevant skills and experience.
Remember! You do not need to be a trustee to help and volunteer.