You will no doubt have seen the government’s latest advice on avoiding bars and clubs and reducing all non-essential social gatherings and contact.

In light of this the Executive Committee have decided they have no choice but to close the Club with immediate effect until at least April 14th 2020 – 4 weeks. This decision will be kept under constant review and has not been taken lightly. We are very aware that this will have a financial impact on our part-time casual staff and on the well-being of our active membership.

This means that all Club events, sport and training during this time are cancelled. This includes:

  • March 21st – Street Vybes
  • April 3rd – Cheese & Wine evening
  • April 4th – Comedy Night
Any money paid for these events will be refunded in due course. Please do not contact us about refunds, we will be in touch shortly.

The situation regarding Brean Sands and other rugby tours is still under review between the organisers and operators and announcements will be made in due course. Again, please resist from sending emails asking for updates and be assured the situation is being actively addressed.

BackFlips is a self-contained operation in the adjacent squash courts and is an external business and will make their own decisions. All hall lettings inside the Club are cancelled and hirers will be notified directly if they haven’t already notified us of cancellation.

The Club has limited financial reserves available and the closure will have a significant impact on our operations so we have no choice but to reduce our expenditure – we do not know how long the current situation will last. We have decided to retain a small number of key staff, on reduced hours, for the next six weeks whilst we implement a cost reduction programme to try and protect our working capital as much as possible, whilst also trying to manage the impact on our key staff. We will keep this under continual review but will review it formally in 4 weeks time.

There have been a number of suggestions and requests on how members can help and we will be developing a donation scheme in the coming days. We will also be looking to reduce perishable stock wherever possible and will announce to members shortly what will be available to purchase if we decide this is appropriate. We are also investigating how we might be able to support the community further, especially the elderly.

These are very sad and uncertain times and we cannot predict when things will return to some kind of normality. We encourage everyone to follow government advice and try and stay well. Please do not visit the Club at this time.

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