This year’s AGMs will be held via audio/video-conference on Friday 1st May 2020 at 7:30pm.
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak we have had to adapt our approach as there can be no physical meeting. We are using our previously agreed rules to ask everyone to vote via a Proxy at this AGM. A Proxy is a person whom a member nominates to represent them at the meeting. There are some important decisions to be taken by members, including the election of new trustees, so please make sure you vote.
Members may confirm their choice of Proxy and direct the Proxy on how to vote, or allow them to vote as they choose, by completing this Proxy Voting form.
Please complete the form by clicking on the link before 5pm on Wednesday 29th April.
A paper form is also available in the documentation set below.
When deciding upon a Proxy you can either nominate a trustee or get together and ask one person to represent many, e.g. Team Manager, Head of a section etc. A member must agree to be a Proxy and must be able to attend the audio/video conference. A computer is not essential, but is highly desirable. Normal local telephone dial-in numbers will also be provided for those that do not have the technology.
Only Proxies will be allowed to join the audio/video-conference with the ability to speak. This is purely to try and keep some order in the video-conference as too many people on a audio/video-conference is very difficult to administer.
If you are appointed as a Proxy you will be sent an invitation and special instructions on how to join the audio/video conference so you can actively participate. We will know who has been appointed when the member completes the form so Proxies do not need to contact us unless they haven’t received details by 1st May.
The AGM will not be streamed live as was originally intended but will be recorded and published for later viewing.

This year we need to hold 2 AGMs: one for the Old Rutlishians’ Association – Unincorporated Association (30 mins) followed by the AGM for the new Old Rutlishians’ Association – Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) 30 mins. The AGM for the CIO may start earlier if business allows.
Previously published documentation presented at the EGM on 25th July can be found here. This includes the CIO constitution.
The Club’s trustees were first appointed on 25th July 2019. This is the first AGM and it is a requirement that one-third of the trustees retire from office. One trustee is standing for re-appointment and four new trustees are also standing. There are also some changes to the new rules and the appointment of a new President.
More detail to inform your decision is available in the documents listed below. Click on the titles to view the documents:
Old Rutlishians’ Association (Unincorporated Association) AGM 2020
730pm, Fri 1st May 2020
This AGM is a statement of the final position of the Unincorporated Association on 31st March prior to conversion to the Charity. Any questions about this documentation set should be submitted via the online Proxy Voting form.
Old Rutlishians’ Association (CIO) AGM 2020
8pm, Fri 1st May 2020
Members can only vote by proxy on the resolutions contained in the documents below by completing this form or by sending instructions as detailed in the attached agenda.
- Agenda: including details of changes to trustees and appointment of a new President.
- Amendment to the CIO rules: contains changes from those approved at the EGM on July 25th 2019 .